Monday, January 22, 2007
12th Week

hehe ..
I'm in my 12th week of pregnancy!! I still do have the morning-afternoon-evening-night sickness.. today was the worst I guess..
okay, .. updates.. appetite, getting better & better (except today..again) .. no puking last week! bravo!! ..
I'm still on Duphaston, Bcomplex, AcidFolic, Calcium.
It was my birhtday last Thursday, mom gave me the USANA Essentials. When I was pregnant to Haariz, I took Essentials starting from the 5th month. Alhamdulillah, I had a healhty pregnancy & a healthy baby. Not even a day of jaundice.. he was very active (in & out of the tummy) & very alert.. again, Alhamdulillah. (For those who would like to try the USANA-Essentials.. do email me)
Alrighty, the 12th week development (beside not being able to squeeze into my pre-pregnancy pants)
baby:Even though your little Einstein’s body is still growing quite rapidly and is about 2 inches long right now, the overall super-speedy growth of their amazing brain continues to leave the head proportionately larger than the body— and is actually slightly more than one third of their total body mass! The head and neck are still straightening at this point as can be seen by their little chin lifting off of the chest. Your baby is also actively rehearsing “breathing” by using amniotic fluid to prepare the lungs for future air respiration.
The big news: your little pooper is now officially going to need diapers! Although a majority of the waste produced is transferred to the mother’s system for discharge (to avoid lingering in the amniotic sac), some urine is released to the amniotic fluid and your baby will actually breathe it in before it passing it on to your for discharge. Not to worry, urine--in this particular form is actually harmless to your child.

And how's mom doing? Logically, as your baby is growing bigger, so must your uterus. By now, your once-flat and relatively small uterus is stretched to the size of a softball (12-14 cm), but that’s nothing: by the time you deliver it will have grown to 15 – 17 inches (37 – 42 cm). Your uterus is slowly increasing at a rate of approximately one centimeter per week. If you've got a burning sensation that extends from your breastbone to your throat, you've got heart burn or acid indigestion. To lessen this unpleasant experience: eat smaller meals and avoid fried, spicy, and fatty foods. Otherwise, there's always TUMS, but check with your healthcare provider first
As your pregnancy becomes more physically visible you’ll have to adjust to people asking you when you’re due and lots of unsolicited advice from women who’ve “been there.” Ideally, this is the right time to share the news with close family and friends and anyone who would want to get involved with things (if they haven’t already) by spreading the news at work and to others. Allowing them this role encourages participation and support in the future—when you’ll really need it!

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Sunday, January 21, 2007
Fashion Tips
Fashion Tips for High Maintenance Moms-to-Be

Fashion details matter to you, from the fit down to the fabric; and there's no reason to abandon this love of the finer things during your pregnancy. With help from the following tips, you can create a fabulous maternity wardrobe that suits your style:

Take it Below the Belt
Forget bulky and unattractive maternity panties. Today's non-maternity low-rise and bikini brief panties are perfect for all nine months and they're infinitely cuter! You'll avoid having uncomfortable waistbands cut off the circulation around your expanding belly and you won't have to buy a bunch of panties you'll probably never wear again after you deliver.

Get Some Support
You will, at some point in your pregnancy, have to invest in a larger bra. This can really make a difference in your life if you get the wrong bra that pinches you here and leaves you unsupported there. So spend the money and get professionally fitted at the nearest upscale department store. You'll thank yourself!

Layer Up
During pregnancy, the amount of blood coursing through your veins increases by 50 percent, which means you will be a lot warmer than usual. To keep your cool, dress in layers so you can peel them off one by one as you heat up.

Fabric Counts
As the months progress, you will increasingly appreciate easy-care and comfortable fabrics such as cotton and cotton-lycra blends that stretch and breathe. And before you buy any maternity items, check the care label - the last thing you want to be doing is running to the dry cleaners, hand washing, or endless ironing.

Coordinate Your Colors
Buy flattering colors that coordinate with each other. Black is a great base on which to build your maternity wardrobe - it's flattering, slimming, and can be layered and coordinated with just about any other color.

Stay Low
High heels are fine for special occasions, but you'll probably find that they become more uncomfortable and precarious as your pregnancy progresses. The added weight of your baby, a shifting pelvis, and a different center of gravity can all make you dangerously unstable in high heels. So for everyday wear, slip on a pair of stylish, yet comfortable flats.

Embrace Online Shopping
Who wants to walk around the mall with 20 extra pounds sitting on their bladder and making their back ache? Sit yourself down in front of your computer, put your feet up, and do some shopping! Most maternity clothing stores have corresponding online stores so you can have the items brought right to your door. Ahh…modern technology!

pss.. I've listed some here :) happy shopping mommies



Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Last Monday;

-I had my second appointment with my gynae earlier in the afternoon.. everything looks good.. eventhough i've lost about a kilo since last month.. I'm lack of appetite..been vomiting at least once every 2 days (lucky me), for the last 2 weeks ( none for this week yet, Alhamdulillah)

baby was moving (dancing? swimming? :P ) his/her hands & legs around during the ultrasound scan, the hands & legs are well formed.. lenght are all measured.. & looks good (normal)..Alhamdulillah

click here to understand your baby's ultrasound scan

-It was also my mum's 68th birthday & she got the best birthday present from us.. (i guess?).. yepp .. we finally told her about our no.2 :P .. we attached the scan pic of baby no.2 onto her birthday card.. and it took her about 5 minutes to actually understand, what it is all about (didnt have her glasses on ..thats why)

weekly fetal developement:

From this week until week 20, your baby will be growing rapidly — increasing in size from about 2 inches (5 cm) to about 8 inches (20 cm) from crown to rump. To accommodate all this growth, the blood vessels in the placenta are increasing in both size and number to provide the baby with more nutrients.
Facial development continues as the ears move toward their final position on the sides of the head. If you saw a picture of your baby now, you'd think you had a genius on your hands — the baby's head accounts for about half of the body length!
Although your baby's reproductive organs are developing rapidly, the external genitals of boys and girls appear somewhat similar until the end of week 11. They will be clearly differentiated by week 14.

got to go.. will continue later!

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Friday, January 12, 2007
10th Week
I'm 10weeks & 5 days today.


Fetal development in pregnancy week 10:fetus in third month Your astonishingly tiny baby has graduated from embryo to full blown fetus! And so it should be, as they've been hard at work growing as fast as possible—almost doubling in size in the past three weeks! Amazingly, you’re in for a repeat size doubling performance within the next three weeks! Your tiny champion still weighs less than a quarter of an ounce but has already completed the most critical stage of their development. Using Doppler technology, your doctor or gynecologist can let you hear their tiny rapid fetal heartbeats this week (145-165 beats per minute!). Chances for miscarriage are greatly reduced when the heartbeat can be detected, so take a sigh of relief if you’ve been needing one—it hasn’t been an easy ten weeks! What’s more, they’re getting ready to make their first baby poop! Your little one’s major organ systems are developing, including a functioning digestive tract capable of moving food all the way through their bowels. The final shiny gold star on their fetal behavior chart for the week: your little scrapper has already developed defense mechanisms to protect them on reflex!

More good news for mom: the placenta has grown substantially, in both size and function. It is now beginning to manage some of your child’s hormones, finally taking some of the hormonal burden off of you! Since the placenta has gradually taken over the hormone production for your baby, you should start to notice that much-awaited decrease in morning sickness symptoms. Like everything else, though, this is just a general guideline... if you have lingering effects for another couple of weeks, don’t fret (or fret, but don't blame us)—pregnancy is not a standardized procedure so much as an individual journey

Your baby is somewhere between 1 and 1-1/2 inches in length and probably weighs about 4 grams (or as much as 4 paper clips). He or she has lips, toes, eyes that are usually open, ears that are completely formed, and the genitals are becoming more clearly defined. The little pollywog you have inside has lost its "tail" and this week marks the end of the embryonic stage and the beginning of the fetal stage!


You may continue to feel some morning sickness, dizziness, and fatigue, but they should all be decreasing. At 10 weeks, many women begin to see their stomachs stick out. Generally, this is due to your bowels becoming distended rather than the growth of the baby. Little by little your waistline will become less defined. This is a great time to take some photos and measurements to start documenting your body's changes in your journal.

some other article that caught my interest from : Pregnancy Following Miscarriage

okay.. enough on the development..
I've been searching for 'amalan semasa mengandung & hamil' .. here are some results:
with doa :
"Dengan nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Mengasihani. Ya Allah, peliharalah anakku selama di dalam kandungan dan sembuhkanlah ia, Engkau Maha Penyembuh, tiada sembuhan melainkan penawar-mu, sembuh yang tidak meninggalkan kesan buruk. Ya Allah, lahirkan ia daripada kandunganku dengan kelahiran yang mudah dan sejahtera. Ya Allah, jadikanlah ia sihat sempurna, Ya Allah, elokkanlah perangai (akhlak), fasihkanlah lidahnya dan perelokkanlah suaranya untuk membaca hadis dan al-quran dengan berkat Nabi Muhammad s.a.w".

- amalan sunat semasa mengandung

Di antara amalan-amalan yang sunat dilakukan ketika sedang hamil ialah memperbanyakkan membaca ayat-ayat Al-Qur‘an dan berdoa, sebagaimana yang diriwayatkan oleh Ibnu Sunni daripada Fatimah Radhiallahu ‘anha yang maksudnya :

“Sesungguhnya Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam apabila (Fatimah) hampir melahirkan, Rasulullah memerintahkan Ummu Salamah dan Zainab binti Jahsyin menghampir Fatimah maka Baginda membaca ayat Al-Kursi dan surah Al-‘Araf (ayat 54) di sisi Fatimah dan memohon perlindungan kepada Allah dengan membaca surah Al-Falaq dan An-Nas”.

Doa yang sunat dibaca ketika hamil itu termasuklah doa Nabi Yunus ‘alaihissalam yang tafsirnya:

“Sesungguhnya tiada Tuhan (yang dapat menolong) melainkan engkau (Ya Allah!) Maha Suci engkau (daripada melakukan aniaya, tolonglah aku!) Sesungguhnya aku adalah dari orang-orang yang menganiaya diri sendiri”.
(Surah Al-Anbiya‘: 87)

Begitu juga bagi ibu-ibu yang sukar bersalin, Ibnu Abbas meriwayatkan Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam bersabda yang maksudnya :

“Apabila seorang perempuan itu sukar bersalin, tuliskan di dalam bejana surah Al-Ahqab (ayat 35) dan surah Al-Nazi‘at (ayat 46), kemudian air itu disapukan dan diminum serta disapukan di perut dan kemaluannya”.
(Hadis riwayat Ibnu Sunni)

Di antara amalan yang sunat dilakukan ketika sedang hamil ialah dengan memperbanyakkan membaca ayat-ayat suci al-Qur'an, beristighfar dan berwirid setiap kali selepas mengerjakan sembahyang.
Di antara surah-surah yang digalakkan dibaca ialah:
a) Surah Yaasiin, kerana ia mempunyai banyak fadhilat.b) Surah Yusuf, agar mendapat anak yang saleh, sempurna dan mempunyai rupa paras yang elok.c) Surah Luqman, agar mendapat anak yang taat kepada kedua ibubapa.d) Surah Maryam.e) Surah at-Taubah.f) Surah al-Ikhlas.

Sementara wirid-wiridnya pula ialah:

okay.. thats all .. till next week :) (week 11th! .. one more week till I say bye bye to my first trimester!)

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Friday, January 05, 2007
at 9 weeks..

nope. thats not my baby. hehe.. scan pic taken from

few words from about being pregnant at 9 weeks:


-You may find yourself with a stuffy nose. (no wonder!!)

-You continue to feel tired, nauseated, and possibly dizzy. Making a baby is hard work (please let me sleep, sleep and more sleep)


We have elbows! Your baby is now approximately 13-17 mm crown to rump length, or about 0.51 - 0.66 inches. S/he also weighs in at 1 gram! Toe rays are present as the toes begin to form. Gonads have become testes (for boys) or ovaries (for girls). Baby will move away if touched through the uterine wall, and can spontaneously move as well. Ossification (hardening) of the bones may begin


Don't worry if she cries at commercial or seemingly for no reason. These are simply hormones. The same ones that might cause her to be more irritable. And if you think it's bad being on the receiving end, let us assure you that it's not very pleasant to feel like your body has been taken over. Again, the good news is that as the placenta matures and begins to take over production of some of these hormones, mom-to-be feels better.

ah..gotta go.. we're going swimming! (me & girlfriends!!)

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