Monday, April 02, 2007
21st & 22nd week

Dear ***,
You are now in week 21 of your pregnancy.

Your baby is now around three-quarters of a pound and nearly 11 inches long, they have fully formed eyelids and eyebrows at this point, what's more they're getting ready for another growth spurt-- this time to start packing on that cute baby fat. If you've noticed what seem like mild contractions, you're right! But not to worry, they're a far cry from what you're going to experience during labor. Learn more about these in our full-length article for week 21.

Dear ***,
You are now in week 22 of your pregnancy.

Your baby is nearly an entire foot long and weighs almost an entire pound! What's more they've started to produce their own hormones as their little pancreas continues to steadily develop. As for you, your uterus is getting massive, so your belly is massive, and you're worried more about stretch marks, so it probably hasn't occurred to you to get a glucose screening test, but maybe you should. Check out the full article for week 22 to learn more about glucose screening.
If you haven’t felt them already, you may soon notice your uterus practicing for delivery with irregular, painless contractions called Braxton Hicks contractions (felt this already). You may feel a squeezing sensation in your abdomen. Don't worry, though: Your baby may be able to feel the contraction as it squeezes the uterus, but Braxton Hicks contractions aren't dangerous or harmful. If, however, the contractions become more intense, painful, or frequent, contact your health care provider immediately because painful, regular contractions may be a sign of preterm labor.


my updates:
# hey. I'm 5 month plus pregnant. but still most people didn't notice my bulging tummy yet.
I'm feeling: hot all the time, hungry all the time, can feel each & every movement the baby make..
# have you ever heard about "simpul biawak" what is it called in English (is it leg cramp?)? I've had my first simpul biawak last few days. Alhamdulillah, it wasnt that bad. I've experience worst .. while pregnant to Haariz.
# I've made a to do list. "before the baby comes" if you feel, I should add in something.. do leave me a comment. for the time being, I can only think of 2 things.
till then. take care!!
more on leg cramp/simpul biawak, click here:

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